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Jack Ma Wife / Spouse

Jack Ma is a 57-year-old Chinese digital entrepreneur and owner of the e-commerce platform Alibaba. Ma was an English teacher for several years, but one day he decided to quit his job. Today he is the richest man in China, with an estimated net worth of $60 billion. The businessman is well known for his eccentricities, which generates controversy around him, something he doesn’t seem to mind. There are several factors that influenced the Asian tycoon to become what he is today. One of those factors is Jack Ma wife, Zhang Ying. She was also an English teacher and quit her job to help her husband.

The ideal partner

Zhang Ying is a 56-year-old English teacher, who is currently not in the teaching profession. She currently works at Alibaba Group, the company of her husband, Jack Ma. She is known to be a low-profile woman, who prefers to stay away from the media. However, those who know her well affirm that she is a caring woman. In addition to her work at Alibaba, she does a lot of charity work. She has helped to improve sanitary conditions in various areas of China and has also worked to improve the country’s education system.

Their love story

Zhang Ying and Jack Ma met in the mid-1980s at Hangzhou Normal University, where they both studied English as a foreign language. Zhang fell in love with the Chinese businessman because of his high intelligence, as she knows he is not handsome. She does not care about a man’s physical appearance, but that he is smart and talented in various areas. They started dating soon after they met and got married after they both got their English teaching degrees. Soon after, they both started to work teaching English. They had a son, Ma Yuankun, and a daughter, Ma Yuanbao. Jack Ma spouse was a dedicated mother while working in various schools and then, Alibaba Group.

The wife of an innovative man

Zhang Ying has helped make Jack Ma an innovative billionaire businessman in several ways. Ma has an interesting work culture: he wants his employees to be happy while they work, encourages them to practice Tai Chi Chuan and fervently promotes the professional development of women. The Chinese tycoon pays close attention to his wife and thanks to her he understands the needs of women. The two work together on an ambitious goal: to change the global education system for the benefit of all. They plan to retire one day from their activities to devote themselves exclusively to philanthropy.

A difficult situation

In 2002, Zhang was General Manager of Alibaba Group, an activity that took her more than twelve hours away from home. At the time, Yuankun, their 10-year-old son, was addicted to gaming and spent most of his time in Internet cafes playing with his friends. His parents confronted him about this and he replied that there was no point in going home if there was no one there. In this circumstance, Ma asked his wife to go back to being a housewife. She agreed and was able to correct Yuankun’s behavior. Jack Ma wife became a staunch ally of him, who thanked her for her performance as a mother.

A perfect team

Alibaba is one of the most important e-commerce platforms in the world thanks to the talent and vision of Jack Ma and Zhang Ying. They form such a perfect team that it would be impossible for them to divorce, as there is a tacit agreement between them in all areas. The billionaire tycoon does not admire anyone in particular, but relies constantly on his wife to achieve his goals. Beyond the professional area, they have built a solid family. Their children are not exposed to the mass media, but prefer to keep their personal lives private.


Jack Ma spouse has been instrumental in helping the entrepreneur build Alibaba Group. They have been together since they were college students and know each other deeply. Zhang Ying and Jack Ma evolved together and have supported each other in professional and family matters. They agree to engage in intense philanthropic activity when they retire. The happy couple is serious about global education to improve learning conditions for all children on the planet.


Jack Ma Spouse(s)Zhang Ying (m. 1988)
Jack Ma ChildrenMa Yuankun, Ma Yuanbao.

Read Also: Mukesh Ambani Wife.

Last modified: January 16, 2022